Virgin Media

Virgin Main Landing Site

Implemented the redesign of Virgin site, for both prospective and current customers. This particular brief included a unified header across all of Virgin Media subdomains and sites. The header was firstly designed in a design software suite and was not responsive via the width of the window. I have refactored the generated css into fully functioning responsive design.

Tech stack used

Front-end Backend
JQuery PHP5
Sass PHPUnit tests
HTML5 Model View Control framework
Twitter Bootstrap MySQL database
Subset of Modernize  
IE8+ support  

Virgin TV Anywhere

Virgin Media TV Anywhere is a massive site with a lot of feature packed into it. I was part of a team of 2 front-end developer to maintain and develop new features on this site, notably the Now & Next page which was given a revamp with angular.

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Tech stack used

Front-end Backend
JQuery Symphony2 & PHP5
AngularJS Gherkin BDD tests
Sass PHPUnit tests
Jasmine unit tests with SinonJS stubbing system Model View Control framework
Restful AJAX call Jenkins continuous integration server
HTML5 MySQL database
IE8+ support Doctrine